This first post is sort of my way of setting up the foundations of my expectations for this blog. It’s a new project that isn’t quite settled yet, but I hope, can help me in several ways:
- Share my learning journey in complexity theory.
- Organize my thoughts (and progress) into a way that keeps me accountable.
- Improve my writing abilities my forcing me to practice.
Your thought now is probably the following: “Why should I read this blog when there are already several excellent ones out there?” and I don’t have a good answer yet (I’m not trying to sell a product). I just hope to have interesting enough things to say.
Topics that I hope to cover include topics that I find particularly interesting, short intro/tutorials on certain topics (which I might include in my teaching practice), updates on my work, and some thoughts on what I observe as I become immersed in the field.
With that being said, do keep an eye out for my first actual post sometime soon! Feedback is certainly more than welcome :) .